Custody And Visitation Issues For The Unmarried With Children

When a married couple decides to divorce, child custody is just one of many issues that have to be dealt with and resolved. When an unmarried couple decides to end their relationship, there are few laws that govern how any joint property and debt is divided. One issue the law takes seriously, however, is the care of a child that is young enough to be considered a minor. Read on for some guidance on what the law has to say about child custody and visitation issues between unmarried parents. [Read More]

Creating A Wise Estate Plan

No matter how much money you are able to make during your life, it will all be left behind when death occurs. However, leaving behind assets isn't a waste, as it can be distributed to your loved ones to help them out after you pass away. You can appoint each of your assets to specific family member, or even leave assets to close friends that you have made throughout the years. [Read More]

How A Wrongful Termination Attorney Can Help You Deal With An Unjust Firing

Losing a job is never easy. It's even more frustrating when there's no apparent reason for your termination. If you believe this has happened to you, it might be worth hiring a wrongful termination attorney. They can help you sort through this potential legal situation in the following ways.  Assess Case Strength Before you go ahead and sue the company that unjustly fired you, it's important to know just how strong your case is. [Read More]

Where A Corporate Lawyer Fits Into A Company's Plans

The operations of a company can present a number of legal challenges, especially if it is publicly held or in the process of tracking investors. A corporate lawyer can help you navigate some of the potential pitfalls of running a business, so let's take a look at what that exactly entails. SEC Reporting Requirements Most businesses that trade publicly or that seek outside investments have to report a certain amount of information to the government under SEC regulations. [Read More]