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4 Common Mistakes New Motorcyclists Make

The excitement and anxiety of owning a new ride can easily overwhelm you. Appropriate guidelines while using your motorcycle are crucial in keeping you safe. Motorcycle crashes have an 80 percent injury or mortality rate.

Further, riders sometimes get cheated out of their compensations, making the situation more complicated. Hiring a motorcycle accident attorney will help you get adequate compensation. Thus, consider keeping safe by avoiding these mistakes during your rides. 

1. Not Counterchecking the Motorcycle's Conditions Before Riding

Riding a defective motorcycle is quite risky because you aren't sure how it will fare on the road. For example, if you don't check on the braking system, you might be in a collision. Simple checks and maintenance tips can save you from a fatal accident. It will also strengthen your case when filing compensation claims. 

2. Not Using Appropriate Safety Equipment

Using safety equipment like helmets and knee pads can help reduce the impact and severity of an injury in case of an accident. However, failure to use this equipment can cost you the compensation claims as the insurance may deem that you didn't take proper care while riding. 

3. Not Filing a Police Report if Involved in an Accident

Understanding the steps to take when involved in an accident is vital for your safety. Unfortunately, many new riders quickly leave the accident scene without gathering information. If you are unsure of what to do, call your motorcycle accident lawyer to help you collect and process the police report and other information. 

Besides filing a report, you need to get immediate medical attention. Some injuries, if handled inappropriately, can aggravate the situation. Always have your emergency contact information to ease identification and get help if you are unconscious. 

4. Not Being Keen With Traffic Rules and Conditions

Following traffic rules and regulations is vital in keeping you safe. Though you might be excited to test the motorcycle's limits, ride within the given limitations. Respect and understand your skill level. Don't be too quick to jump into duels or competitions without enough practice.

Simple rules like using the side mirrors, avoiding blind spots, using counter seeing, and others could be what saves you while on the road. 

The pride and satisfaction that riders get when their rides are on the road are unmatchable. Driving safely on the road and having a reliable motorcycle accident lawyer in case of an accident will give you comfort and assurance when riding.

Contact a law firm that works with motorcycle accident cases—such as Clark Law Group, PLLC—for more information
