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Telltale Signs That May Mean Your Former Spouse Is Living With Another Person

In some states, cohabitation is a valid ground for the termination of spousal support. Therefore, if you are paying alimony, you should be on the lookout for signs that your partner is cohabiting with another person. Some of the telltale signs to look out for include these four:

Tons of Social Media Posts Showing a Shared Life

If one or both of the people are constantly on social media, you can use their postings to deduce that they are living together. For example, you shouldn't jump to conclusion if your former spouse makes a single post about their romantic interest helping out with house chores. After all, one can easily do that even after spending one night over. However, your interest should be raised if there are constant posts of going grocery shopping together, pictures of shared meals at home, and shared vacations

Those are the kinds of activities that courts use to determine cohabitation; the more frequent the posts are, the more likely your ex-partner is living with another person.

Strange Car Is Permanently In the Garage

Most people park their cars where they live. Therefore, you should suspect cohabitation if your former partner's new love interest constantly parks in your ex-partners garage. It would be difficult for the person to park there if they live elsewhere; that would mean using other means of transportation to reach their parked car.

A "Friend" Is Suddenly Performing All the Home Improvements

Be wary if an "unknown friend" is suddenly helping your ex-partner take care of their home. For example, it might be that the fence is getting repaired, the walls are getting painted, and there is new landscaping – all accomplished without financial inputs. If you are sure the improvements aren't getting done by hired help, or your ex-partner has alluded to a mysterious friend, it might be that they have a new cohabiter.

Records Show Evidence of Cohabitation

If your ex-spouse is truly living with another person, there are records that will inevitably show that they are cohabiting. Here are four examples of such records:

  • Shared bank accounts
  • Family plans for cellphone contracts
  • Both names on car leases

It wouldn't be very convenient for the lovebirds to have those kinds of arrangements if they aren't living together.

The more of these things that apply to your former spouse's case, the stronger the likelihood that they are cohabiting. Note that suspicions alone might not be enough to prove cohabitation. Hire a lawyer, such as those found at John Alegria Attorney at Law, to help you put together your bits of suspicion into coherent proof for the court.
